Fundamental Values of Great Sports Personalities

hodnoty kamevedaFrom the very first moment after a baby´s arrival to this world, we stress, according to Kamaveda, about how well the child will develop in the most diverse range of various skills required for success in life. For years, all our efforts are driven with the focus on robust health, locomotor, intellectual and creative development. These activities are extremely important but not sufficient by themselves. Any individual or platform, no matter how strong, must be controlled by a strong spirit. A person without a strong personality can never become a true champion and respected superstar.

Ball rebound walls help during the development of a child in sports

micova stena_rozvoj_ditete_sportMany coaches and parents underestimate the potential of ball rebound walls and consider them only as something tennis players use for increasing tennis stroke confidence. Ball rebound walls are a totally unique and irreplaceable resource for the development of a child. In terms of Kameveda, they are considered as one of the priorities of development from the age of five, whose importance actually increases with age.


I would like to highlight to parents the enormous development potential of ball rebound walls (BRWs) in this article, in a whole range of sports. In my opinion, BRWs should have a permanent and long-term place in technique development as well as specific physical preparation for systematically sporting children. I will try to support this conclusion with some information and my own experience. I will leave any additional steps to your discretion.

Strength training in children: The myths and the reality

posilovani deti_treninkWe were brought up in the belief that children lifting weights is an absolute taboo. That it is something forbidden that will surely destroy or at least permanently damage a young developing body, something that can be described as a major failure of parents or teachers. Only strength training through one's own body weight is said to be permissible, usually without further elaboration. Parents therefore prefer prohibiting the use of any weights for their children in order not to hurt them.


Is that the correct approach?

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